Code Templates

The plugin uses the Freemarker template engine to generate the Java source code. While two templates (keys and values) are provided by default, it is also possible to use a custom template for code generation.

Provided Templates

Template keys

The template keys creates a Java class that contains String constants holding the property keys. This is useful to access the properties values at runtime.

As this requires to load the properties as Properties or ResourceBundle, the template provides a constant with the properties file name and if configured the resource bundle name.



Boolean (true/false), Default: true

Adds the constant PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME to the generated class. This holds the name needed to load the properties file. The name of the constant can be changed with the option propertiesFilenameConstant.

Typically genPropertiesFilenameConstant is set to false when genBundleNameConstant is true.



Name of the constant holding the properties file name. The value must be a valid Java variable name.


Boolean (true/false), Default: false

Adds the constant BUNDLE_NAME to the generated class. This holds the bundle name; hence, the name of the properties file without extension and locale markers. The name of the constant can be changed with the option bundleNameConstant.

Typically genPropertiesFilenameConstant is set to false when genBundleNameConstant is true.

NOTE: According to the JavaDoc of java.util.ResourceBundle, the bundle name should be a valid class name. The plugin does not validate the generated bundle name, so it might be an invalid class name. On the other hand, ResourceBundle seems be able to load resource bundles from files that are not valid class names.


String, Default: BUNDLE_NAME

Name of the constant holding the bundle name. The value must be a valid Java variable name.


The following example shows the default configuration


Template values

The template values creates a Java class that contains String constants holding the property values. Then the properties files itself are not needed at runtime.

This template does not support any additional options.

Custom Templates

If a custom template should be used, it might be useful to first have a look into the Freemarker documentation, especially the section “Template Author's Guide”.

The plugin assumes that the templates character encoding is the same as was configured for source file to generate (property sourceEncoding, which defaults to ${}).

If the template uses a different encoding (or just to be explicit), it should start with a ftl directive defining the character encoding. Like:

<#ftl encoding="utf-8">

The Data Model

The model used for Freemarker templates contain the following fields:

  • packageName: the java package name of the generated class
  • simpleClassName: The name of the generated class without package
  • fullClassName: the fully qualified class name including package
  • javaFileName: Name of the generated Java file including the directories representing the Java package.
  • propertiesFileName: name of the properties file relative to the <resourceDir>
  • bundleName: Like propertiesFileName but without extension and locale marker and dots instead of slashes as separator.
  • isXmlProperties: Whether the properties file is a XML file.
  • properties: Properties read from the properties file.
  • entries: List of entries to create constants. See below.
  • options: Map of template options. See below.


The field properties contains the Properties as they were loaded from the properties file. This data is not used by the default templates, but may be useful in custom templates.

Note: To access properties that have dot in the name use ${properties["key.with.dots"]}.


The data model contains the field entry that is a list of Entry objects. Every Entry object represents an entry from the properties file for which a constant should be created. It contains the following field:

  • key: The key from the properties file entry.
  • value: The value from the properties file entry.
  • javadocKey: The key escaped for use in a javadoc comment.
  • javadocValue: The value escaped for use in a javadoc comment.
  • constantName: Name derived from key suitable for a Java constant.
  • variableName: Name derived from key suitable for a Java variable.
  • getterName: Name derived from key suitable for a getter method.

Example: For the following line of in the properties file:

welcome.message=Hello <b>there</b>

The following Entry would be created:

  • key: welcome.message
  • value: Hello <b>there</b>
  • javadocKey: welcome.message
  • javadocValue: Hello &lt;b&gt;there&lt;/b&gt;
  • constantName: WELCOME_MESSAGE
  • variableName: welcomeMessage
  • getterName: getWelcomeMessage


The field options in the model is a Map<String,String>. It's content is configured in the pom like:


This makes the following variables accessible in the template:

  • ${options.addCopyright}
  • ${}

Important: This are both of type String.

Using Options as Booleans

Strings can't be directly used as a Boolean. Also it has to be handled that they might be unset (aka null). The simplest way is to define a boolean variable in the context of the template:

<#assign addCopyright = ((options.addCopyright!"false") == "true")>
<#if addCopyright>